UX Research Strategy Plan for an On-demand Delivery Tracking Platform On Jeda.ai's Generative AI Canvas

UX Research Strategy Plan for an On-demand Delivery Tracking Platform On Jeda.ai's Generative AI Canvas

On Jeda.ai's AI Menu, visit User Experience and choose "UX Research Plan" Fill in the fields, pick an AI model, and Hit "Generate". In this example, we have selected Claude-3.5 Sonnet.

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UX Research Strategy Plan for an On-demand Delivery Tracking Platform On Jeda.ai's Generative AI Canvas

How to Generate UX Research Plan for an On-demand Delivery Tracking Platform On Jeda.ai's Generative AI Canvas?

✨ Log in to Jeda.ai and enter an AI workspace of your choice.  

✨ Navigate to the AI Menu located at the top right corner. Under User Experience, Select the option for UX Research Plan.

✨ Respond to a few intuitive questions related to your business or project.  

For What: On-demand delivery tracking platform.

For Whom: Logistics Coordinators in mid-size courier companies.

✨ Choose your preferred layout and AI model.

UX Research Strategy Plan for an On-demand Delivery Tracking Platform On Jeda.ai's Generative AI Canvas